Recording Studio: Kirtan

Kirtan is a form of devotional chanting whose roots go back over 500 years to India. Long before the modern recording studio.  To capture kirtan in the recording studio, is to capture the essence of spirit and an ancient music that come straight from the heart.

Recording Studio; Kirtan

It is a form of Bhakti Yoga (yoga of devotion) and has the power to open the heart. The singing is accompanied by musical instruments and rhythmic drumming and the audience is encouraged to participate by chanting, clapping and dancing. You will not be able to resist the urge to join in! In its heartfelt expression kirtan can induce profound states of meditation, bliss and ecstasy. Even when captured in the recording studio and played back you can still feel the essence and the ecstacy
There is a sweet sound vibration that permeates through all layers of coverings and makes God dance. That sound vibration is Kirtan. It is a mysterious connection that draws people to each other.
In a simple word, Kirtan is relief. It has been described as the beating of the heart of the soul. For the twenty-first century person living in the west, life is all about the pursuit of happiness. We are guaranteed life and liberty, but kirtan is the means and end toward achieving the happiness that people are searching for. Through the chanting of the names of God, kirtan awakens the soul to its natural position, connects with God, clears the heart of all the distractions that can stress one living in this high tech age, and at the very least, make a person feel better about their day through the wonderful music.
Kirtan is not exclusive to simply those in Indian attire or those who practice yoga. Anyone can join in at any time and joyfully sing along, clap their hands and become a key musician to this age-old art form. We strive to awaken the entire world to Kirtan. It can be performed anywhere that someone is willing to do it. A willingness to perform the Kirtan is the only requirement. Kirtan is a scientific study in the pursuit of happiness. If by the end of a thirty minute kirtan, one feels happier, then it has been a success.
Recording Studio Kirtan