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Vocal Recording

Looking for the ultimate recording studio Sydney has to offer for  your vocal? Contact us today!

Vocal recording

Vocal recording is our specialty. Whether for music projects or voice over, we pride ourselves on getting the best possible voice recording in Sydney, Australia. There’s no need to fly to NYC to record your vocal. We deliver a recording quality to match or surpass any studio in the world. Come in and meet us at our vocal Sydney recording studio. Read on to learn more about what makes our voice recording in Sydney sound so good.

Awesome Place To Mix


These guys do a great job! They recorded and mixed our demo and also let us play and film it in their studio. Would totally recommend – 5 star service

- Oliver Goss Band

Vocal Recording & Voice Over Studio Equipment

The vocal recording studio equipment that we use is absolutely the best on the planet. We have gone to the nth degree to make sure that we have the best microphones, preamplifiers, compressors and isolation booth. In fact, in some instances we have had recording equipment custom built for the purpose of voice recording in order to push the boundaries of audio quality higher. We’re extremely passionate about getting the best results for any voice recording in Sydney.
The equipment we use is the first step in making sure that the quality is superlative. We have an array of extremely high-end microphones designed for different purposes and voice types. Some microphones work well on male vocals whilst others shine on female vocals. We know that everyone has a unique voice. Matching the right microphone to the individual singer’s or actor’s voice is important in achieving great results.
The same approach is taken to the other equipment in the vocal recording chain. The preamplifier, the compressor and EQ, the audio-to-digital converter must all be top quality. All these individual pieces of equipment sum together to give the overall quality of the vocal recording. But there’s more to just the gear that we use. Let us explain why the  recording studio architecture also makes a big difference.

Vocal Recording & our Recording Studio set up

Our vocal recording studio Sydney set-up is critical in capturing a crystal clear and clean voice recording. Our isolation booth has been designed to completely block out any external noise from entering into the voice recording. When you want to record a voice over or singer’s voice recording, and nothing else, that’s what you’ll achieve at Crash Symphony Productions. We live in a world where we are constantly surrounded by noise. Our brains block out what we don’t want to hear, however, on a vocal recording it is crucial that no external noise is allowed to intrude on the audio quality.

Furthermore, the noise within the vocal recording booth has been acoustically controlled. This means that our voice over booth has no reverb or unwanted echo that can sound bad on recordings. In the  voice over recording industry this is referred to as a ‘dead space’. It’s important not to have an active space on a vocal recording because it allows us to add effects after the voice over recording has been completed. It gives us more control over how the final product will sound. Reverb can be added to the audio but it is extremely difficult to remove reverb once it has been captured during the voice over recording process. You can see that achieving a world class voice recording requires high-quality equipment, experience, and great acoustics.

So how do these features get better Music recordings?

Once we have achieved the best quality raw audio recording possible there is an array of other tools that we use to enhance the quality of the singer’s voice recordings for music projects. We’ll explain a few of them here. The first is our pitch correction software. We use Melodyne Studio to surgically correct and manipulate vocal recordings for music projects.
Melodyne is an extremely powerful software tool that allows us to correct pitch, stretch note lengths, alter timbre and manipulate tempo. Other tools, like Izotope RX Advanced, aid us in further cleaning up the audio sample. We also have a seemingly endless array of effects that we can apply to vocal recordings to make them sound incredible in a music mix. Companies like Universal Audio and Waves are just a few of the great software companies that provide tools that we use to achieve world-class results. It is our commitment to provide artists with all the tools they need in one music recording studio in Sydney.

There’s a lot to a sound recording studio

As you can see, achieving great quality vocal recordings takes a lot of effort and a huge investment. We’ve made that commitment in our sound recording studio to create a place where artists can come and be assured knowing that they will get the best vocal recording quality that is available anywhere in the world. It takes great hardware, the most current software, acoustically treated spaces, and years of experience to provide a vocal recording quality that is good enough for movies, TV commercials, music recordings and other important voice over related material. It’s easy to take for granted how often we listen to a recorded voice!
If you are seeking a high-end vocal recording studio in Sydney please contact us here or call +61 408 300 402.
View Vocal Recording Examples.


The Most Globally Connected Recording Studio Sydney has to Offer!

We have realised that to stay relevant in an ever increasingly connected world our relationship with the internet is crucial. This means that when you are doing voice recording in Sydney with Crash Symphony you’re really doing it with the world. We have the fastest internet speeds that are available in our location. We have all the latest software solutions available to make sure the recording studio Sydney location is attended by directors and producers all over the globe. 

A powerful and complex array of interior recording studio Sydney based cameras allow the other side to interact and see the session unfold as it happens. Software like Source-Connect Pro enables operators overseas to press our record button and capture our audio on their end – almost instantly. It’s truly amazing technology! 

We have close relationships with session musicians and recording studios all over the world which helps us make music. Recording projects in the twenty-first century is about international connectedness. 


Expert Sound Engineers

Working with us means working with the best sound engineers in Sydney

The art of being an excellent sound engineer is not as prominent now that video has become the focus of our world. However, a top quality sound engineer can augment the quality of a production dramatically. When we record a vocal for music or a voice over for an ad we have the ability to enhance every aspect of that recording. The modern tools available to the twenty-first century sound engineer are truly remarkable. Staying on top of the rapid progress is very much a full time job. Let's take a quick look at what work is involved in producing an excellent vocal recording for a typical voice over job.

Our sound engineer will setup the session prior to the talent arriving. In the most extreme cases, often film ADR sessions, the project and microphones will need to be prepared first. Our clients, from film productions companies, are often located in another country like the USA, the UK, or somewhere in Europe. They will send the sound engineer the program material. This will be the video files with SMPTE timecode, the cue sheet, and all specifications required by our sound engineer to capture a similar sound to what was recorded on set. 

Once these program elements are received our sound engineer in Sydney will go into Pro Tools and mark out all the cue points on the timeline of the film. Each entry point will have ADR beeps that will help the talent execute their lines in Synch with the film. In ADR the talent's job will be to lip synch in time with their delivery on set. By setting up the project prior to the talent arriving our sound engineer ensures that the session flows smoothly for the talent. 

Often these "remote sessions" (where the directors and producers are overseas) are facilitated by software that helps us communicate with the overseas studios. Programs like Zoom and Source-Connect allow sound engineers in both locations to be actively involved in the session. The sound engineer overseas can literally press the recording button in one country and our software will obey the command here in Sydney. The directors and producers can watch the video content on their screen whilst listening to the audio being recorded by our sound engineers in Sydney. It's real-time. It's the modern way. It's remarkable!

In this example, an ADR recording session, the sound engineer would also need to setup two microphones. One would be a lapel mic, similar to what might have been used on set, and the other a shotgun microphone. These two microphones are setup by our sound engineer in Sydney in front of a screen. This is to allow the talent to clearly view the film as they are performing. An iPad is also positioned in close proximity to the microphones. This will have all the cue points and lines that the talent will be reading during the ADR recording session. 

During the session the sound engineer will be facilitating the smooth capture of cue lines. They make sure that all the takes of each line are saved for future recall and re-listening, and can even cut recorded takes together to create a composite "best take". 

Once the ADR session is complete the post-production work on the re-recorded lines begins. The amount of work that goes into the audio post-production is beyond the scope of this example. However, we can give a few examples of the kind of technology our sound engineer might decide to use on the recorded cue lines. There is software to reduce lip and mouth noises. Harsh sibilant frequency can be curtailed. The synch of the spoken lines can be further tightened by intelligent algorithms that look at the original "on set" spoken audio and literally stretch, cut, and compress lines recorded in our Sydney recording studio and make them even tighter. The list of tasks, options, and enhancements that our sound engineer can apply to a voice recording is enormous. 


James Englund

James Englund


Stewart Havill

Stewart Havill


Borbala (Bobo)

Borbala (Bobo)

Session singer and Admin