Recording Studio: Sound Healing Part IV

Daniel Coates who works a our recording studio is a Sound Healer and has put together this interesting information about the power of sound. This is Part IV. You can find our more about Daniel and his Sound Healing work and music at

Recording Studio: Singing Harmonics

Singing any note produces harmonics. Within one note are many notes all related to the fundamental note through exact mathematical ratios. This can be demonstrated in a recording studio.
Most of the time we are unaware of the existence of harmonics. When we are in a room with good acoustics like a recording studio, church or a bathroom, we are suddenly aware of a richer sound. The richer sound is produced by the harmonics that are accentuated by certain acoustic spaces.
The ancient people used this knowledge when they constructed sacred sites like Stonehenge, Newgrange or the Kings Chamber in the Great Pyramid. All these buildings were sound chambers where sound healing took place.  These days with advanced technology and recording studios we can also record these sound healings.  One example is Sound Medicine.
When we hear music rich in harmonics, like Gregorian Chant, Indian classical music or a cappella singing it induces an altered state of consciousness. It changes our brain patterns so that we feel more relaxed, more connected with the music. In a good recording studio this can be appreciated.
Ancient cultures understood the power of harmonics. Stringed instruments are particularly rich in harmonics. In the bible, David is said to have played the harp to heal King Sauls depression. Orpheus played the lyre, another stringed instrument in Ancient Greek mythology. In India, Saraswati, the Goddess of wisdom and music, is seen playing the Veena, a stringed instrument.

Recording Studio: Intervals

Music is filled with musical intervals. If we sing or play two different notes, one after the other or at the same time, we create a musical interval. Each musical interval will have a different effect on our body, our emotions, and our mind. This explains why we choose different types of music at different times.  Working in a recording studio we get to listen to alot of different types of music so we can appreciate this.
Generally, simple intervals like the third (eg C/E) and the fifth (eg C/G) are uplifting and sound pleasing to the ear. Minor intervals can induce tension or feelings of sadness. Some intervals are discordant and can help us to get in touch with darker emotions.
In an experiment, two people sang the notes of the octave into an oscilloscope (an instrument which measures sound waves). On the screen of the oscilloscope appeared the symbol of infinity, the figure eight. Is it a coincidence that the Latin word for eight is octave?
When we study musical intervals further, we discover that each interval produces a mathematical ratio. For example, the octave produced the 2:1 ratio, the fifth produces the 3:2 ratio.
When we study nature, we find these simple mathematical ratios cropping up everywhere. They are found in the structure of the atom, in crystals, leaves, petals, shells, in the proportions of the human body, and in the orbits of the planets around the sun.
Architects used these ratios when building the great cathedrals and ancient sacred buildings. Goethe described architecture as frozen music.