Sound Healing and Chanting are things that I am very passionate about. I believe wholeheartedly in the power of sound to bring about states of deep relaxation. When people get into a state of relaxation they are in a better space to get clarity on whatever is happening in their lives. Since starting working at this recording studio Crash Symphony I have had a chance to write about these things that I am passionate about in this blog. Over the next few blogs I am going to cover a few different styles of chanting.
Recording Studio: Gregorian Chants
I will start with one of the most well known styles of chanting: Gregorian Chanting. Because it came from the Catholic Church, it is obviously very well known. Later it has been with the advent of the recording studio people have been able to listen to Gregorian Chants from the comfort of their homes. We love recording studio technology for this reason!
Gregorian chant is the church’s own music, born in the church’s liturgy. Its texts are almost entirely scriptural, coming for the most part from the Psalter. For centuries it was sung as pure melody, in unison, and without accompaniment, and this is still the best way to sing chant if possible. It was composed entirely in Latin; and because its melodies are so closely tied to Latin accents and word meanings, it is best to sing it in Latin. (Among possible exceptions are chant hymns, since the melodies are formulaic and are not intrinsically tied to the Latin text.) Gregorian chant is in free rhythm, without meter or time signature. Beautiful examples of gregorian chants have been captured in the recording studio over the years.
Because the liturgy was sung almost entirely in Gregorian chant in the Middle Ages (with polyphony saved for special occasions), every type of liturgical text has been set in chant: readings, prayers, dialogs, Mass propers, Mass ordinaries, office hymns, office psalms and antiphons, responsories, and versicles. Although Pope St. Gregory the Great (590–604) certainly did not play a role in the creation or compilation of our chant melodies, popular legend led the church to name Gregorian chant after this great leader.
Many other types and styles of music are similar to Gregorian chant or inspired by it, but one should distinguish them from Gregorian chant. Taizé chants, for example, are generally in Latin, similar to Gregorian chant antiphons. But the musical style is quite different: metered and with choral harmonies and/or instrumental accompaniments. In the recording studio these differences are very apparent.
Many psalm tones have been written since the Second Vatican Council. They are much like Gregorian chant psalm tones with their free rhythm and their repeatable melodic formulas. By Gregorian psalm tones, however, we mean a set of particular melodies, one for each of the Gregorian modes, always in the form of two measures. The Gregorian psalm tones are well suited to the Latin language, but do not work very well with English accents, unless one takes freedom in adapting them. For English psalm verses, it is probably wiser to use psalm tones written for the English language.