Daniel Coates who works a our studio is a Sound Healer and has put together this interesting information about the power of sound. This is Part II
Recording Studio: Entrainment
In 1665 a Dutch scientist Christian Huygens, ‘discovered’ the principle of ‘entrainment’. This principle states that whenever two or more oscillators in the same field are pulsing at nearly the same rate, they tend to lock in and begin pulsing at exactly the same rate. The powerful rhythmic vibrations from one source will cause less powerful vibrations of another source to lock into the vibration of the first source. This can be demonstrated in a recording studio with two tuning forks. Put two tuning forks of the same note next to each other and strike one of them and the other tuning fork will vibrate as well.
Systems theory states that; “the less diversity there is in a system the more energy it will conduct.” It takes less energy to pulse in cooperation that in opposition. The composer Paul Hindemith said “People who make music together in a recording studio cannot be enemies, at least while the music lasts!”
Nature seeks the most efficient state. We see the law of entrainment in action when birds fly together in migration; they will flap their wings together and glide at the same time to save energy. Women who work or live together will often find that their menstrual cycles will synchronize.
Itzhak Bentov illustrates this phenomenon in his book ‘Stalking the Wild Pendulum’. If you place a number of grandfather clocks on a wall with pendulums all swinging at different rates within a few hours all the pendulums will be swinging at the same speed!
The principle of entrainment can be experienced when one sings in a choir. If you are singing next to someone in a recording studio with a strong voice it is easy to sing your part. If the person with the strong voice is singing a different part to you it becomes much harder to hold your part in the recording studio
If you sing a strong clear harmonious sound to a person who is sick or out of balance their body will lock into your powerful healing sound. The principles of resonance and entrainment are both at work in a sound healing treatment.
Recent scientific research has identified specific sound frequencies, which relate to different parts of the body. Therapeutic application of the appropriate sound frequencies can help disorders in those parts of the body.
If a part of our body is out of balance we can retune it like tuning a piano. in a recording studio If a piano is out of tune, do we drug the offending key or rip out the offending piano wire? This is precisely what we do to the human body.
Rudolph Steiner said: – There will come a time when a diseased condition will not be described as it is today by physicians and psychologists, but it will be spoken of in musical terms, as one would speak of a piano that was out of tune.
Recording Studio: Intention
Jonathan Goldman in his book ‘Healing Sounds – The Power of Harmonics’ says: – “When we have learned techniques for harmonic toning, the human voice is able to create nearly every frequency, at least within the bandwidth of audible frequency”.
Jonathan offers the simple formula: – “Frequency plus Intention equals Healing”. If we can find the right sound frequency coupled with the right intention then healing will occur.
Intention is another important principle underlying the way sound healing works. If we sing a pure sound to another person with a pure intention then healing will occur.
Every action we perform has a conscious or unconscious intention behind it. We can see the principle of intention at work when a mother sings her baby to sleep. In a Sound Healing treatment, the sound carries our intention to the person receiving treatment.