If you are an Audio Engineer, there’s a very good chance that you have thought about setting up your very own home recording studio. In this article, I will be explaining the Sound Engineering equipment that you will need to set up a basic home recording studio.
An Audio Engineer will need a computer with a high level of RAM and CPU processing power. Digital Audio Workstations require this power to be able to run smoothly without crashing. Your computer is the mothership from which your home recording studio is powered.
Digital Audio Workstation
Digital Audio Workstations (DAW) are Audio Engineering software for music production, recording, mixing and mastering. They are a must-have for any Audio Engineer as this is the software your Recording Studio will require for your Sound engineering capabilities.
Audio Interface
To achieve the best quality tracking in your home recording studio, an Audio engineer will need an Audio Interface. Audio Interfaces are the junction in which your microphones and instruments are converted into signals your computer will be able to understand.
Microphones are a fantastic addition to the audio engineers home recording studio. There are endless sound engineering avenues in voice-over, voice recordings. For this, you will need a great quality microphone.
Studio Monitors & Headphones
Studio monitors are a must-have for the audio engineer. Headphones are an extension of the sound engineer. Headphones give a detailed frequency response. That can be closely studied and tweaked by the sound engineer in the mixing process.
Crash Symphony Productions is a Sydney Recording Studio. We are located close to the beautiful Sydney Harbour Bridge. If you would like to learn more about our work and how we can help you with your project please call us on +61 408 300 402 or email info@crashsymphony.com.au.